26 January, 2010

No.4 in West

After beating Suns, we are No. 4 in West, for now. Fantastic achievement.

We should be happy because we get the win from behind (at one point we trailed by 17 pts).

AK had 25 pts, led Jazz scoreboard. He recently took all the minutes from CJ.

Boozer, 21 pts, 20 rebs. wow.

24 January, 2010

Hello Jazz Fans!

Hey Jazz Fans, how's things going? It has certainly been a while...

During my "hibernation", Utah Jazz is doing okay.....-ish.

We saw our Maynor gone, but on the other hand we certainly enjoyed the Winning Shot of Sudianta Gaines, though we are not sure whether he will return after the 2nd 10-day contract.

Today Easy Win over Nets made our record 25-18, which made us sitting at No.6 in West. I think our goal is simple - to win the Home Court in First Round. Go Jazz.
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